Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Why do you charge for saddle fitting appointments?
A: Our aim is to provide the best value to each and every one of our clients. We want you to find the best fit for you and your horse, so the fitting fee allows us to provide you with all of the knowledge, tools, and resources for you to have piece of mind when buying a saddle. This means you’re receiving detailed information about saddle fit, a tracing of your horse, and detailed notes about the saddle fitting appointment. To ensure our clients have access to all the necessary information, we use these fitting fees to provide education and training opportunities to our fitters. From anatomy training to saddle construction and leatherwork, we want to make sure we can be the resource our clients need.
Up to $125 of fitting fees are refundable if a saddle is purchased within 90 days of the saddle fit appointment. Additional travel fees are non refundable.
Q: Do you accept saddles on consignment?
A: We do not currently offer saddle consignment services; however, we are happy to provide you with recommendations for saddle consignment services in your area!
Q: What happens if I change barns? Will you still come to fit my saddle?
A: Of course! We are always happy to maintain your saddle at a new barn, however it is important to be aware that many trainers may ask you to change your saddle to the brand of their choice.
Q: How long do fittings take?
A: Appointment times vary depending on what we are working with, however we typically estimate about 2 hours for your fitting. Used saddle appointments are typically shorter (closer to 1 hour), whereas custom fittings may take up to 2.5 hours. Saddle checks are often much quicker provided that everything is in working order!
Q: How often should I have my saddle checked?
A: We recommend checking your saddle if there has been any major changes in your horse’s life, and/or if their temperament under
saddle has changed. For growing and/or developing horses, we recommend a check-in every 6 months.
*PLEASE NOTE: saddle checks are paid appointments; please refer to the fee schedule for more details!*
Q: When do horses' backs change?
A: There are many factors that can contribute to your horse's back changing. In our experience, some of the most common instances that incur change are:
- Change in ownership (new environment, as well as different riding styles, farriers, and feed programs)
- New farrier (think angles and hooves)
- New trainer and/or barn (new environment, different riding styles, farriers, and feed programs)
- New feed program
While some changes present subtly, some are massive! If you are considering transitioning your horse's routine, please discuss with us beforehand so we can make a plan to ensure the success and longevity of your saddle fit!
Q: Will you adjust my saddle if I make major life changes with my horse (barn/trainer/feed program/farrier)?
A: Yes, we can adjust it for a fee.
Q: What is a reasonable length of time to receive a response from a fitter or the CommonWealth Office?
A: In general, please allow up to 3 business days for a response. Our office and fitters work hard to respond in a timely manner,
however during certain times of the year (busy season or shows!), we may take a few extra days to respond!
Q: Are you in Florida year round?
A: No! We are only in Florida for the winter season, and
make 2-3 trips additionally throughout the off season.
Q: Why do you have so few fitters, but handle the North American side of so many companies?
A: Great fitters are hard to find! We would prefer to have the very best and keep them busy, rather than have many who are mediocre (that
would never be an option for us!).
Q: How long does it take to get an appointment with my fitter?
A: In general, please allow 2 weeks to schedule your appointment. Fly-ins typically take 4-5 weeks to schedule, and if we are
in the off season of Florida or California, we will add you to the waitlist and get in touch as soon as our next flights are booked.
Q: Tell me more about fly-in trips?
A: Fly-ins are a great option for riders in remote regions where multiple people want to purchase, or where we don’t have regular coverage yet. See more about our fly-ins on the fee schedule.
Q: What checks are included in new saddles?
A: Our recommendation is to check saddles upon delivery, 6 months post-delivery, and 1 year post-delivery. Depending on show schedules, some of these checks may be virtual, and/or with the assistance of your coach. If you have any questions, we are happy to discuss them with you!